Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Bishop Mark Edwards; Faith Journey, Friendships, and a bit of Fun
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
In this week's episode of Living Fullness, our hosts sit down with the current Bishop of Wagga Wagga, Bishop Mark Edwards OMI, to get to know him a bit better and about his faith journey. Here are some of the questions that were covered
What does a day in the life of a Bishop look like?
How does a bishop do to unwind?
What was your upbringing and your faith journey? - Shout out to Mazenod College - Victoria https://www.mazenod.vic.edu.au/ and Oblates of Mary Immaculate https://omi.com.au/
Some words of wisdom to figure our your dream
How have you found the Wagga Wagga Diocese so far?
If there was one aspect of living fullness that you thought was important, what would that be?
What can someone do if they find they're in a workaholic kind of space?
Friendship - Can men and Women be friends? or does the sex thing get in the way? What do you think?
What is your relationship with Jesus like, at the moment?
What is God calling you into at this time? Is there anything on your heart - a message for young people? A message on prayer
Rapid Fire Fun Questions
Books mentionedLord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien A secular age - Charles Taylor
Instagram: Living Fullness
Facebook Group: Living Fullness
Wednesday May 26, 2021
The 4 Temperaments and Jesus
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Our hosts explore the 4 temperaments in this week's episode of Living Fullness;
Sanguine - Life of the Party
Choleric - Natural born leaders
Melancholic - Detail focused
Phlegmatic - Peacekeepers
The conversation unpacks their natural strengths, tendencies of weakness, spiritual suggestions and a couple of well known examples of people with these temperaments.
Learning to identify our friend's temperaments can be both a fun and useful piece of information in order to love them better. Stina offers a fun exercise to try.
Our hosts also discuss Jesus' temperament and what the idea of being a Christian means, in light of the 4 temperaments
Padre - IVA - Young Artist (Also Padre's niece). You can follow her on Instagram: ivamahoni
Stina - Discovering similarities with a friend
Congratulations to the New Rector and Vice Rector of Vianney College, Fr. Rick Micallef and Fr. Brad Rafter, respectively.
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Self-knowledge; a necessity in relationships
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
In this episode of Living Fullness, our hosts take a closer look at Self-Knowledge, what it is, and how it serves various relationships including that of friendships, romantic relationships, family and even co-workers. How can we grow in self knowledge and what is it's true purpose?
Stina - Baptism reflection on the Presentation in the Temple
Padre - Study on Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul 2nd) and Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict 16th)
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Stina's Deportation & Managing Crisis
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
This episode of Living Fullness is a little unusual as Padre sits down with Stina to talk about the elephant in the room, the undefined turbulence she has mentioned on several occasions before.
After 20years of being in Australia, Stina is facing deportation due to a clerical error not of her own doing, and the outcome of the situation is entirely out of her control. Listen to the episode to find out how they're both coping with this news as they explore how to manage crises in life and where friendship becomes a very clear gift at this time.
Petition Page (Ministerial Intervention): https://www.change.org/p/honorable-mr-alex-hawke-save-our-stina-from-wrongful-deportation
GoFundMe Page (Legal costs): https://au.gofundme.com/f/help-stina-stay-in-australia
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Elise Drum; an unfiltered, writer and young Country Doctor in the making
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
On this week's episode, we welcome a young country doctor in the making, who is also one of the writers at Virtue Ministry, Elise Drum.
Padre and Stina talk to Elise about what it was like to move from a country town into the big city, adjusting to a new life style and to making new friends. AND THEN to readjusting back to a country town life when the people around her have essentially moved on in life.
Elise may be young in age, but her wisdom is beyond her years. Her consistent deep thoughts are an asset on the Virtue Ministry Team. Check out her blog posts here
Virtue Ministry Blogs - https://www.virtueministry.org.au/blog/
Elise also shares about a moment in friendship that has always struck her and ways to remain other focused when making new friends, as well as how this drastic move has helped shape her faith and her personal relationship with Jesus.
Elise encourages young people to look to John Paul II's words for encouragement to remember that 'you're not waiting for your time, your time is now'.
The episode concludes with some fun questions for Elise.
Shout outs in this episode to
Rebecca Gosper - Life Choice
Saint John Paul the Great: His 5 Loves - Jason Evert
Unbroken - Laura Hillenbrand
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Forgiveness in Friendship, and in our relationship with Jesus
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
In this week's episode, Padre and Stina tackle forgiveness - free act of releasing someone from the debt they have incurred by sinning against us, and by no longer defining them by the act of the sin against us.
If someone has hurt us, it's because we trusted they would not harm us or would not break our boundaries. We need to accept then that trust has been broken. We also need to pay attention to our emotions because they are helpful and tell us something.
Padre explains the difference between vincible and invincible ignorance and why this is important in considering whether a conversation around forgiveness needs to take place. If we do decide that a conversation has to take place, Charity must be our motivator. Including giving people space when we bring up the conversation.
Some common sayings:
1. Forgive and Forget - We don't define people by the wrong they have done against us, but we do need to learn from the interaction. Repairing the relationship doesn't mean the relationship turns back into what it was, it will need to grow into what's most appropriate at the time.
2. Forgive and Never Forget - Means I still define you by the behaviour
3. Forgiveness is just a matter of the will - it's a choice but the will does not operate on it's own. It's needs emotion and intellect.
4. Only able to forgive when you're no longer hurting - we are always able to enter into the process of forgiveness even when we're not emotionally ready to forgive.
Forgiveness is a journey and it's supernatural - because we are called to forgive as Christ forgives. 'Father forgive them for they know not what they do' Luke 23:34
We also need to be careful that we are open to receiving the forgiveness of others.
Padre - Celebrated 6yrs of Ordination to the Priesthood
Stina - The Chosen - Season 2
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Apology Language in relationships
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Following on from love language, Padre and Stina have a closer look at apologies and Apology Language by Gary Chapman. Apologies opens up and makes the path to forgiveness easier. Apologies can be healing an have health benefits. They also recognise there is a rule or and expectation in place that has been broken and should have been upheld. There is also an ongoing conversation in our culture about the tendency for women to apologise for things that are unnecessary.
The 5 Apology Languages
Expressing regret - being sorrowful for our behaviour and saying I am Sorry
Accepting Responsibility - Taking ownership over what happened
Making Restitution - Rebuilding broken trust
Genuinely Repenting - making a resolve to change
Forgiveness - Asking for forgiveness
5 Apology languages in light of our relationship with Jesus
Expressing regret - having a contrite heart
Accepting Responsibility - Owning, Jesus died for MY sins
Making Restitution - A broken relationship requires two people to repair, however when it comes to our relationship with God, we need Jesus to help us heal the brokenness which we cannot heal on our own.
Genuinely Repenting - making a commitment of the standard of love we ought to uphold and strive for. 'Be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect'- Matthew 5:48
Forgiveness - Ask for his mercy and forgiveness, he will not hesitate to forgive you. All he wants to do is shower us with his love and mercy. Anything that makes us hesitate, is not of God.
Truth. Beauty. Goodness
Stina - a father and son playing chess in a cafe
Padre - the host of a birthday dinner party 'you can taste the ingredient of love' in her cooking.
Forgiveness - Asking for forgiveness
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Friends in Ministry with Fr Reece Beltrame
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Note: There were was a phantom mic problem with Stina's mic, for the first 7min. Do not turn the volume too high as it returns to normal at 7min 43sec.
In this episode, our hosts interview one of Padre's friends in Ministry, a brother priest, Fr. Reece Beltrame from the Wagga Wagga Diocese. Fr. Beltrame walk us through some of his testimony, and what his relationship with Jesus looks like at the moment. Father gave us some insights and some beautiful things to consider.
The questions asked in this episode include: What's your testimony in a snapshot? How did the people around you respond to your call to the priesthood? What's something you would have wanted the younger version of yourself to know?
What do you think it would take to remain friends with people pre-seminary? Were you two friends in the seminary or how did the friendship come about? What might be some challenges of friendship between priests? What is the best part of having a friend in the priesthood? As a priest, what are your thoughts on friendships with lay Christians?
What does your personal relationship with Christ look like? What has been a game changer in your relationship with Christ in more recent times? What is God calling you into at this time?
The episode ends with a quick fire series of questions and a lot of laughs.
A shout out to Ignatius Press, Exodus Challenge and Rise Challenge
Let us know what questions you would have asked our guest
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
When did you come to understand Easter?
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
In this week's episode, Padre and Stina talk about their favourite parts of Easter and when the real meaning of Easter sunk in. Some of the questions our hosts cover include:
1. How do you celebrate Easter over all?
2. What are you Holy week Highlights? (from Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday)
3. What is Easter actually about as the high point of the Christian calendar?
4. What would be the repercussions if there was no resurrection?
5. When did it click for you what Easter is actually about?
T.B.G - What more truth, beauty and goodness is there than that of Christs coming, death and resurrection?
Episode concludes with a prayer
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Lent - What to do in a season of spring time training
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
In this episode Padre and Stina talk about Lenten observances and practices that enriches their preparation for Easter.
Lent comes from spring time and is a period of training and preparation. Common practices include prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Fasting is really powerful and helps us become master of our bodies as we learn there is a hierarchy of goods. Saying no to legitimate pleasures, prepares us to say to illegitimate pleasures as well as yes to wonderful things. Almsgiving includes considering what are the things we can give up but also take up.
Canon law stipulates that only people above the age of 14 are expected to follow the practice of abstinence from meat on certain days, and those between the ages .18 and 60 are expected to fast (see Canon Law 1252).
A shout out to the Catholic Institute of Sydney
T.B. G
Padre - Campion College students
Stina - Gifted autobiography of Dorothy Day
Produced by
Virtue Ministry
This is a Virtue Ministry produced Podcast.
We can all be movers and shakers, if we’re well equipped and it’s here that Virtue Ministry excel. Through the development of an understanding of VIRTUE as habitual goodness; our strengths and areas that we may need to work on — our characters develop towards excellence.
In recognising, the foundation of our worth is in Christ, we can delve deeper into the truths hidden in our culture, rediscover the beauty of authentic relationships and the necessity of living a life of goodness, of VIRTUE in order to become more fully ourselves.
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