Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Beatitude 5 - The merciful shall obtain mercy
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. Our hosts begin by discussing that we are broken beings in need of God's healing mercy. We have a fallen human nature and don't yet look like the perfect human, Jesus Christ. What did Jesus die for?
'My sins formed part of that terrible chalice' - Pope Benedict 16th
The episode also covers the Corporal and Spiritual works of mercy which ought to be done with intention not as a tick-a-box, just as Jesus was moved at the death of Lazarus and he grief of Mary and Martha. Mercy will never run dry.
Padre - Visited Family
Stina - Spontaneous Girls night
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Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Motherhood and learning to Let Go, and trust God, with Emily Shaw
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
In this week's episode, Padre and Stina sit down with Virtue Ministry's Writer & Graphic Designer, Emily Shaw to talk about motherhood, and one of the greatest lessons she's learned in her faith journey; to let go of control, and let God steer.
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Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Beatitude 4 - Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, shall be satisfied
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
In this episode Padre and Stina unpack the 4th Beatitude and what it means to hunger and thirst for justice. Have you ever wondered where Gratitude fits into all of thus? Our hosts cover that in this episode, and the link between this beatitude and the 3rd commandment to 'Keep holy the sabbath'.
Shout out to Mrs Anna Krohn
Padre - Byrnes and Mahoni Family
Stina - Visit Family
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Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Beatitude 3 - The meek shall inherit the earth
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
In this episode, our hosts continue the series on the Beatitudes - Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth - The episode outlines what it actually means to be meek, and how meekness takes true strength, and the link to the 4th Commandment - Honour thy Father and Mother.
Shout out to Fr Connell Perry on his ordination to the priesthood
Padre - Fr Perry's Thanksgiving mass
Stina - Open churches with some COVID restrictions having lifted
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Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Beatitude 2 - Those who mourn, shall be comforted
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Continuing the series on the Beatitudes this episode looks at what it means to mourn with others. Our hosts point out that there is no virtue in crying, in and of itself, but that some people have been gifted the ability to feel compassion very deeply. We need to open our hearts to another, and to accompany others on their journey, and it's through this opening and meeting another with compassion that we are able to mourn with another. At the same time, we must not remain in misery, we must also remain open for God's healing grace and mercy, that will comfort us.
Our hosts link this beatitude to the 7th Commandment, thou shalt not steal. At first, this seems a bit odd. But theft is linked to greed, and greed prevents us from being able to see past ourselves, it prevents us from seeing the sadness in another. Instead we must be generous.
It's also useful to consider, when in a given moment we struggle to meet the other with a deep sense of compassion, what is going on? what blockage stands in the way?
Our hosts also discuss 'what does it mean to be a sensitive person?' and is this a bad thing?
Stina - Rebecca Abbott from Eternity News
Padre - Kindness of people during a pandemic.
Subscribe or Follow the Podcast and help up share our mission. Join our Community on Patreon for Exclusive Content, behind the scenes, merch and MORE, and watch our guest interviews on our YouTube Channel. Follow us on Social Media: Instagram AND Facebook
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
BONUS Episode - How well do we know each other?
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
It has been almost a year of podcasting, and over 50 episodes released and 5years since the Launch of Virtue Ministry, all on the 8th September.
In celebration we have a FUN BONUS episode this week where Padre and Stina spent some time being quizzed by Emily Shaw (from the Virtue Ministry team) about how well they know each other followed by some of their own handpicked questions for the other. Which of the two do you think did better? Have a look and find out.
To find Behind-the-Scenes for this episode and for our guest episodes, and lots of laughs. Jump over to Patreon and join our community for instant access to exclusive content.
Thank you to our Patreon Supporters and to our Vm Prayer Tribe
Special shout outs to Sarah and Andrew Swafford, Chris Stefanick, Sr Miriam Heidland, Pope Emeritus Benedict.
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
On being a Deacon, with Rev. Connell Perry
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
In this episode Padre and Stina sit down with a local Deacon for the Diocese of Wagga Wagga, Rev. Connell Perry to talk about what it means to be a Deacon and his faith journey. Connell shares about his family, moving to Wagga and when he felt called to go to the Seminary. He shares about his experience at Vianney College and about his desire to serve families and young people in his ministry.
Connell also shares about his upcoming Ordination to Priesthood on 11th September 2021, what he'll be doing to prepare and what this means to him. Video interview available on our youtube channel.
Behind the scenes, our hosts share their experience of Connell over the years, and he discusses why he is so passionate about the Saints. Access only to our Patreon Community - join our financial support community by becoming a Patreon supporter and receive exclusive content including chats with our guests.
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Patreon Shout out -
Matthew Tan, Grace Taylor, Melissa Murray, and Morgan Tame. Thank you for joining our community and financially backing our mission. If you would like to help us too, please visit our Patreon Page.
Our hosts begin the Series on the Beatitudes found in Matthew 5:3-12. The word 'beatitude' comes from the word 'blessedness' and is a pathway that Christ demonstrates how we live out our lives of joy and abundance not only in Heaven but also here on earth. They help to bring the living out of the commandments to fulfilment. Each beatitude has a relational promise attached.
Quote ' Despise what Jesus despised on the Cross, and love what Jesus loved on the Cross' - Thomas Aquinas
First Beatitude - Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Our hosts discuss different forms of poverty as well as the difference between economic poverty and being poor in spirit, and one way this Beatitude is linked to the First Commandment.
St Louis IX letter to his son
Padre - Narranderra Parish response to Fr Rafter moving to the Seminary.
Stina - Integration of mind, body, and spirit in the healing journey.
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Deportation Update, difficulties & Padre's News
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Stina and Padre have a chat about Stina's deportation update as well as some exciting news for Padre.
Stina shares about her experience and relationship with God during this trial. Padre and Stina talk about different aspects that may come out of trial, including; loneliness Vs solitude: Self-reliance, Pelagianism Vs dependency upon God and leaning on neighbour; and the new form that friendships can take during this time.
Father shares a joke that most priests are all too familiar with.
Padre and Stina talk about the need to continue to nurture friendships, despite being in a global pandemic.
Padre asked Stina the question, what future endeavours come next? and Padre shares his EXCITING NEW ENDEAVOURS.
Stina - Human frailty and space to breathe
Padre - Seminarians reactions to the news
Shout out to Narranderra St Mel's Parish with Fr Bradley Rafter.
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Link - https://www.patreon.com/LivingFullness
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Mercy and living out Mercy
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
In this week's episode Padre and Stina have a chat about Mercy, it's roots, and what kind of Mercy God calls us to. Padre also explains the meaning behind Jesus' response to being offered 'wine mixed with gall'.
Our hosts have a look at the ways we can live out this mercy towards our neighbour through the corporal and spiritual works of Mercy.
Padre - Class prep on Jesus' mediation
Stina - Female Friends who reached out - Marie-Claire, Melissa, Lydia and Morgan
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Virtue Ministry
This is a Virtue Ministry produced Podcast.
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In recognising, the foundation of our worth is in Christ, we can delve deeper into the truths hidden in our culture, rediscover the beauty of authentic relationships and the necessity of living a life of goodness, of VIRTUE in order to become more fully ourselves.
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